Next Dates:
Thursdays 27th March – 1st May 2025 (6 weeks) – booking now open
Thursdays 15th May – 12th June 2025
Thursdays 26th June – 24th July 2025
Thursdays 31st July – 28th August 2025
More dates to be announced shortly
Time: 10:15 – 11:15
Cost: £70.00 for 5 week course/ £84.00 for 6 week course
Location: FieldWorks Dance, 274 Richmond Road, London E8 3QW
Pre-booking required for the 5 weeks – spaces are limited to ensure everyone feels comfortable and has enough space

A fun, engaging and relaxing class for mums & babies and a great way to get moving safely again after your pregnancy and birth
This 5 week course is specially designed to help with new mothers’ postnatal recovery whilst also allowing time for engaging, bonding and relaxing with baby.
The course is suitable for all news mums from 6+ weeks postnatal (8 weeks after a Caesarean birth) up until babies are fully crawling.
Each week the focus will be on helping new mothers to begin moving their body again in a safe and gentle way, to regain strength, to open and release areas of tightness and tension in the back, neck and shoulders, and to find space for relaxation. We will also include some gentle yoga stretches, movements and songs for babies.
The course will include movements and breath work to safely and gently tone the abdominal muscles from deep within, allowing them to ‘knit back’ together, and to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in conjunction with the breath: a ‘closing of the body’ after pregnancy and labour.
The classes also focus on the re-alignment of the spine and pelvis, and encourage an awareness of posture in all movements, including the care and handling of babies.
An emphasis on the breath throughout the classes will help to develop a sense of wellbeing, and we build in time for relaxation so both mothers and babies feel nurtured.
We explore postures and practices mums can do with and without their babies so they can easily continue their yoga at home.
The classes will be informal, fun and relaxed, and mums are free to feed, change, comfort or soothe babies to sleep whenever necessary.
The benefits of regularly attending postnatal classes in the form of a course include:
- the course allows us to build on practices and progress each week
- regular attendance allows you to really feel the benefits of the practice
- it also allows babies to feel more comfortable and at ease in the class, and with other babies
- a regular group builds a greater sense of support and community amongst new mums and babies
The course is a great opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces from pregnancy yoga classes and to get to know other new mums in the local area, and many long-term friendships have been made in these classes.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the course or would like to book a place.
T&Cs: please note that the course is non-refundable.